See the GSRM v.2 for a more up-to-date and comprehensive model. THIS SITE NO LONGER MAINTAINED AND HERE FOR ARCHIVAL PURPOSES.
Global Strain Rate Map Project: Model Results
Please give proper credit to results
Global Graphics
Top images are thumbnail links to larger images, or get the corresponding PostScript file using
the ps link (including the PostScript file size), or compressed Postscript ps.Z,
after the description.
Second invariant of strain rate (white background)
[ps 8.5 Mb]
[ps.Z 0.6 Mb]
Second invariant of strain rate (black background)
[ps 8.5 Mb]
[ps.Z 0.6 Mb]
No-net-rotation velocities (20° grid)
[ps 2.2 Mb]
[ps.Z 0.9 Mb]
The images below are thumbnail links to the corresponding startup on the Java Voyager: ILP GSRM:
Model ASCII Files
Model Strain Rates
Principal Strain Rate Axes (format explanation):
Strain Rate on 0.6°x0.5° mesh spacing:
Second Invariant of Strain Rate, for contouring purposes:
Predicted Focal Mechanisms, in GMT format:
Model Velocities and Rotated Observed Velocities
Rigid Plate Angular Velocities (Rotation Poles), GSRM Pacific plate frame:
Angular Velocities obtained to rotate Geodetic Studies, GSRM Pacific plate frame:
Rotated Observed GPS Geodetic Vectors, caveat and selection of any GSRM frame
Model Velocities, 1°x1° grid, in GMT psvelo -Se format;
1-sigma velocity uncertainties are zero for points in rigid plates or exactly at the
rigid plate/plate boundary zone interface and non-zero uncertainties in the plate boundary
zones reflect those for velocities relative to the Pacific (PA) frame
(all files are about 1.9 Mb, or about 0.6 Mb compressed):
Additional Related Articles
Kreemer, C., W.E. Holt, and A.J. Haines, The global moment rate distribution within
plate boundary zones, in Plate Boundary Zones, eds. S. Stein and J.T. Freymueller,
Geodynamics Series, v.30, 10/1029/030GD10, AGU, Washington D.C., 2002.
Kreemer, C., and W.E. Holt, A no-net-rotation model of present-day surface motions,
Geophys. Res. Lett., 28, 4407-4410, 2001.
Comments or questions about this page? Send mail to Bill Holt.
(william.holt or