See the GSRM v.2 for a more up-to-date and comprehensive model. THIS SITE NO LONGER MAINTAINED AND HERE FOR ARCHIVAL PURPOSES.
Global Strain Rate Map Project: Data
Please give proper credit to results
Three different types of data have been used in obtaining a global strain rate model:
geodetic velocities, Quaternary fault slip rates, and the style and direction of
seismic moment tensors.
At 4281 geodetic sites, a total of
5170 horizontal velocities are used, taken from 86 different (mainly)
published studies.
All studies use Global Positioning System (GPS) techniques (i.e. no VLBI or DORIS studies).
Implicit in our procedure is the assumption
that a single rigid body rotation can be applied to the velocity vectors from each individual
study (one rotation vector for each study) such that the model velocity field provides a
'best-fit' to the observed vectors that have been rotated into a single model frame of reference.
Data files:
The rotated geodetic velocity vectors and
the angular velocity vectors that have been
solved for to rotate the velocity vectors can be found in the Model Results.
Quaternary fault slip rate data are incorporated for the central Asia region
[England and Molnar, 1997;
Holt et al., 2000,
and references therein]. Using Kostrov's summation slip rates are
converted in geologic strain rates.
Data files:
Shallow earthquakes (less or eaqual to 40 km) between 1 January 1976 and 31 December 2003 (inclusive) are taken from
the Harvard Centroid Moment Tensors (CMT) catalog.
See seismic data [1.5 Mb] (all events and their moment tensors)
and seismic data format of the data file.
In the model, seismic moment tensors are converted into seismic strain rate tensors
using Kostrov's summation. The interpolated seismic strain rate field, in turn, is used
to place a priori constraints on the style and direction of the model strain rate field obtained
from the intepolation of geodetic velocities and geologic strain rates observations.
Data files:
Geodetic References: Currently Used
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Harvard Seismology: CMT Catalog Search
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(william.holt sunysb.edu or
wholt notes.cc.sunysb.edu)